milo / paschke plastic creek 1998/99


During our visit to the area of Sultans Pool we found a blue water can. Because this area used to be a water reservoir we decided to install a simulated waterfall by using water cans.

After we planed this piece of work the exhibition was postponed for one year. In this time a friend informed us about a catalogue where the work of the scottish artist Ron O´Donnel was published. In a gallery in

1990, he had shown a waterfall made out of water cans. That is what you call “Künstlerpech" e.g. bad luck for the artist. We wrote to Ron because we thought it was interesting and also a bit mystirious that somebody worked similar to us. For this reason we are now thinking about what we can form with the “material" water cans. For instance a huge wave, a water whirl or an iceberg.

read me in german






Ron O´Donnel the waterfall 1990
Edinburgh, collecttion of the artist
Genesis 7.17
For forty days the flood kept coming on the earth, and as the waters increased they lifted the ark high above the earth.
Genesis 7.24
The waters flooded the earth for a hundred and fifty days.


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